Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Why can I be funny at the most inappropriate times, but when I am trying real hard it won't come out right?

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The CJ Ruffled Scarf

On the heels of my last scarf project and determining that the project I want to make out of the yarn I have simply does not exist yet I decided to design my own scarf pattern. (I know, "oooh, challenging." Bite me.)

After frogging out my attempt at a "knitted jar" original pattern as being too painful to complete (two strands of Lamb's Pride Bulky on size 6 DPNs at a gauge so tight the wooden kneedles I was using were threatening to snap under the pressure) I decided my first pattern will be easier on my hands. It'll be a nice and quick knit, even if the planning stages are driving me batty. So many.. pretty.. stitch patterns.. Must.. type.. like.. William Shatner...

Anyway. They final product specs are a secret which is why I've been silent lately, working on it in unpublished posts.

Love you all,

Monday, August 06, 2007

*whine* It's Hawwwwwwwt...!

Today is the Stitch 'n' Pitch at the Cardinal's home, Busch stadium. I bought 2 tickets, one for me and one for Meli, and they're the special Stitch 'n' Pitch ones too. That means we get the tote bag "full of fiber-arts goodness", which might just be a bunch of coupons for LYSs or some cheap acrylic yarn and plastic needles but I hope not. According to some quick research, previous SnP's at other stadiums had plastic and wooden needles of various sizes and lengths and four balls of acrylic novelty yarns.

I can understand not giving out wool, I suppose, since it's so much more expensive, but I can't help but hope for a ball of bright red Cascade 220.

After resisting the call for so long I can't ignore the longing to create my own yarn. I made a drop spindle from a dowel rod, wooden toy wheel, and a screw-in hook. It's actually pretty balanced (and only cost $.90 each for four spindles). It's fun. I bought a package of wool roving from Hobby Loby that was being marketed as "perfect for felting!" but I bought because it's less than $8 for six colors for a total of 4 oz.

After practicing I have my first small skein of lumpy, uneven, uh that is to say textured yarn. My first single sucked hard. Very lumpy, slubby, and just generally novice-y. The second single that I made to ply with the first was better, more even (especially at the end), and gave me hope that I'm not the worst spinner ever, especially since I've only made two singles of the itchy yellow roving and hope to be ready for some pretty colors soon after going through the rest of it. I dislike the yarn that the itchy roving became, though, and can't come up with a use for the yarn made from it except as part of an afghan for company that has overstayed their welcome.

It's hot in the office today, but it's hot everywhere around here today. As I was driving in to work the weatherman said that it was going to be 100 F with a heat index of 105. And with the window facing as it does the sun beats in and cooks us. Plus the AC doesn't seem to be interested in working.

In home-related news a few weeks ago my catfish spawned (grrr) and spread their eggs all over their tank. I thought I had gotten rid of the eggs later that day, so imagine my surprise when I went to clean the tank and there was a baby fishie under the decorations!! As of now I think the baby is a girl so her name is Gloria (Oh, not I! I will survive!). Just under an inch long and just developing her spot pattern (they're peppered Cory catfish, dark and light greys speckled over their bodies). You can still see into her tummy when she eats! She's so kayooooot!! Pics to come