Friday, March 16, 2007

Trudging along.

I'm pleased with myself. In the course of two hours I have both 1.) watched 3/4 a movie (Short Circuit to be precise) before realizing "oh wait I can knit while doing this" and rushing to the bedroom to grab the da(mn) Bears scarf I've put a deadline of Monday on ... and 2.) knit a full six inches on it. Considering it's about ten inches wide, knit in the round, and I had to make three color changes I'm pretty pleased.

It's the last one I knit in the round, except MAYBE a "Magic Scarf" for an Aunt who wants one.

With any luck I'll be able to finish it today and do some end-weaving. I'm actually considering making him a matching hat, too, since there will be enough yarn for it.

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